This so didn’t work

January 2, 2014

Pinterest version

Pinterest version

I wanted an up-do for work. I saw this picture and thought it was cute and the instructions sounded easy. I had to redo it over and over again. It took a million bobby pins. It took so long that I didn’t even have time to do my make-up. To be honest I was kind of glad it didn’t work. I want this blog to be about my successes with pins, but I know they won’t all work. I have seen a lot of blogs about pins gone wrong. I want to show the good and the bad, not just one or the other. As far as this pin goes, I think the biggest problem is that I have long thick hair. It was too much for the style. Here is the link for you to try it yourself:

The first try

The first try

The best I could do

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